Stout Middle School News

Bus information-Stout Summer Enrichment Program

Bus information-Stout Summer Enrichment Program

Stout families, If your child is registered for the Stout Summer Enrichment Program (summer school), PLEASE READ:  إذا كان طفلك مسجلاً في البرنامج الصيفي لمدرسة ستاوت المتوسطة ، فيرجى قراءة ما يلي The 2021 Dearborn Public Schools Extended School Year (Summer...

Dearborn Schools Now Hiring

Dearborn Schools Now Hiring

Dearborn Schools is now hiring in Food Services.  It's a great part-time job while your kids are in school.  Please see the Dearborn Schools website for information and to apply:

B1 Six Word Memoir

B1 Six Word Memoir

Here's a 6 Word Memoir project our 6th grade students just completed. Great work! Thank you Mrs. Ditmar and Ms. Thompson for sharing! B16 word memoir- Slideshow

Students supporting students!

Students supporting students!

Our 6th and 7th grade Cohort A students clapped out our 8th grade Cohort A students today to wish them well as they head off for high school. Congratulations 8th grade! Click below to watch 8th-grade-clap-out-2021Download

8th Grade Honors Slideshow

8th Grade Honors Slideshow

Congratulations to all of our 8th graders on your promotion! Please take a few minutes to view the slideshow we have prepared to honor our students' hard work over the past 3 years at Stout. They have contributed to building a stronger, healthier, and more positive...

Dearborn Summer Reading Program

Dearborn Summer Reading Program

Below is a pdf flyer as well as information about the summer reading kickoff and challenge on the Dearborn Public Library website.

Algebra 1 guidelines and testing information

Algebra 1 guidelines and testing information

Parents of 8th Grade Algebra 1 students, please see the attached letter regarding guidelines and testing information for the final on Wednesday, June 9th, 2021.  Thank you!  Parent May 2021 Letter Algebra 1 Credit Guidelines to Algebra 1 Semester 2...