An informational letter was emailed to parents and staff this evening to notify our school community of a confirmed case of COVID-19 at Stout Middle School. If you have not been contacted by a school administrator or the school nurse, your child is not considered a...
Stout Middle School News

Parent-Teacher Conferences Tonight مؤتمرات أولياء الأمور والمعلمين الليلة
Parents and Guardians, A quick reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences are tonight from 4pm-7pm via Zoom. Your child's teacher should have already scheduled the conference if it was necessary. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to email and...

Mobile Food Pantry
Tuesday April 13th, 20211:00-2:00PM in Parking Lot Snow Elementary School2000 Culver Ave., Dearborn, MI 48124 Food Mobile Pantry Flyer - April 2021

Stout weekly Newsletter
Stout student newsletter April 12, 2021

The Falcon School Scoop
Stout families, A link to the latest edition of the school newspaper is included below. Enjoy! The Falcon School Scoop - March 2021
Notification of COVID-19 Case: April 11, 2021
An informational letter was emailed to parents and staff this afternoon to notify our school community of confirmed case of COVID-19 at Stout Middle School. If you have not been contacted by a school administrator or the school nurse, your child is not considered a...
Spring Assessments & Parent-Teacher Conferences
Parents, Please see the attached letter for important about Spring Testing and Parent Teacher Conferences. LETTER: Spring Testing and Parent Teacher Conferences آباء ،يرجى الاطلاع على الرسالة المرفقة للحصول على معلومات مهمة عن اختبارات الربيع ومؤتمرات أولياء...
Summer Learning Survey
Stout Parents, Dearborn Public Schools will be providing school-based, in-person summer learning programs for K-8 students. Please take a moment to share your information and ideas by completing the survey linked below. Your input will be used to assist in planning...
Letter from Dr. Maleyko Regarding Virtual Learning for All Students (April 6 – 9)
The district decided to place all students on virtual learning for the week of April 6th through April 9th. Please see the attached letter from Dr. Maleyko, Dearborn Schools Superintendent, announcing this decision. Middle school athletics will also be paused for the...
Notification of COVID-19 Case: March 26, 2021
An informational letter was emailed to parents and staff this afternoon to notify our school community of confirmed case of COVID-19 at Stout Middle School. If you have not been contacted by a school administrator or the school nurse, your child is not considered a...