Stout’s Battle of Books is back

The Battle of Books (BOB) is coming back to Stout.  You and 3-4 of your closest pals will form a book club and read 5 books between now and when the final book battle takes place (at the end of March).  You will read the books (together as a group or on your own) and meet as a book club to discuss the book with your staff sponsor.

Here is what you need to do:

  1. Get a team of 4-5 members total (not including your sponsor).
  2. Get a staff member to be your sponsor (this is mandatory).
  3. Come up with a cool team name.
  4. Complete the registration form and return it to Mrs. Hankins by Friday, Dec. 6th.
  5. Read 5 awesome books and discuss as a club with your sponsor.
  6. Meet weekly with your sponsor to set up a reading schedule, discuss what you’ve read, and answer questions about your books. 
  7. Compete against each other in a trivia-style competition.

The Final Battle will take place in March which is Reading Month and each member of the winning team will receive a gift certificate for the book fair.

Here are the books to be read:

  1. Stolen Girl by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch
  2. The Rains by Gregg Hurwitz
  3. A Hope More Powerful Than the Sea by Melissa Fleming
  4. Game Changer by Tommy Greenwald
  5. Restart by Gordon Korman