Year: 2017

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

Sabeha Alnakash shared this quote with us. “At the beginning, you choose your path, but you can't see around every corner. Now, are you still headed in the right direction? Decide where you want to go, and keep moving forward!"  Good advice.

New Dearborn Public Library Policy

New Dearborn Public Library Policy

Stout Middle School and all Dearborn Middle and High Schools must comply with the new Dearborn Public Library policy that was recently approved by the Dearborn Public Library Commission. The new policy will take effect in December, 2017. All students must produce a...

Games Club Beginning: October 20th

Games Club Beginning: October 20th

Games Club will meet every Friday after school, from 3:00 - 5:00 pm, beginning October 20th.  Games Club is a place to play tabletop board games and card games.  Unfortunately, we don't play video games or phone games. Students from 6th-8th grades are welcome to...

Students’ Corner

Students’ Corner

Marya Abdullah shared with our Students' Corner this happy quote: “If you have the power to make someone happy then do it! The world needs more of that!" I'll tell you this, spreading happiness around is definitely needed these days when all we hear about and see...